Wednesday, 13 July 2011

To be anonymous, or not to be anonymous?

My first blogging challenge has reared its ugly head. This is the first hurdle in my blogging career, and I must confess I'm a little stumped. The dilemma is this: I must decide whether or not to reveal my true identity. Writing anonymously is appealing for obvious reasons. I could talk about whoever I like in whatever way I like. I could tell you my most intimate secrets without ever really revealing myself. But most of all, I could be whoever I wanted to be. I wouldn't be restricted by my own weaknesses - I could be the more confident, more intelligent, more beautiful version of me. Freedom awaits me...

But, and this is a big BUT, it wouldn't really be me, would it? If I just pretended to be someone else then...what's the point? Maybe the whole point about writing anonymously is that it does just show my weakness. I'm scared to put my name to this blog in case I feel like a failure. And if that's freedom then freedom is underrated.

Plus, my friend Plum already knows I'm starting a blog, so my secret wouldn't really be a secret at all. Talking of Plum, I'm starting to feel a bit daunted by this whole thing.Writing something entertaining is a pretty hard task when the only blogger I know (Plum) is actually a pretty awesome writer.

Introducing myself would be a good place to start. I'll begin with some facts about me:
  1. I’m doing a Masters next year, a.k.a. I haven’t been able to get a job.
  2. I’m a pirate. No, I’m not kidding, my family’s been traced back to 1606 and we were Cornish smugglers. Therefore...
  3. I like to drink, (mainly rum). Is it a problem when you’re pouring a glass of Schloer with dinner and your friend asks if you know that it doesn’t contain alcohol?
  4. I wrote my dissertation on Harry Potter. No, I didn’t think it was relevant either.
  5. I recently spent £130 in Ann Summers.
  6. My house is haunted by a ghost called Rob.
  7. My house has also survived a flood, a fire and an invasion of fruit flies.
  8. I use the term ‘survived’ lightly. It’s still standing. Just.

Maybe I'll tell you a bit more about these things next time. In the meantime, I'm going to quit while I'm ahead. If you haven't stopped reading already that is.


  1. I kinda like being the only person who knows who you are... It makes me feel special and also nervous. What if I let it slip? Oh no, the pressure! Fragments! You can't expect this of me! It's far too much responsibility!


    But then it's also really cool. Argh, what a whirlwind of emotions.

  2. I don't think it will last, you know how bad I am at keeping things to myself...
